Dear Scouts & Parents
We would like to welcome you back to our summer boating season 2020, albeit cautiously! The purpose of this note is to advise Scouts and their parents of the standing arrangements that will hopefully prevail over the coming months and this should be read in conjunction with the current Covid guidelines. https://www.dalkeyseascouts.ie/3rd-port-dalkey-covid-19-safety-guidelines/
We are fortunate to be able to restart and this is dependent on us all taking particular note to the attached guidelines and playing our part. We have also requested that your Scout go through the online Covid Induction
module before they join us.
Lastly, we ask you bear with us as we endeavour to keep you up to date and in line with our Covid Protocol. All communications will be done through the What’s App group.
Water Programme
• Water activities has commenced and are scheduled to continue until c. mid September.
•Meet at Bulloch Harbour each Tuesday and Friday at 7.30pm sharp (please check Covid protocol for exact details.)
• Water activities cease c. 9.15pm give or take 15 mins or so. Scouts can depart as soon as the boats and kayaks are stored and readied for the next outing.
• Summer Sailing will go ahead unless you are notified otherwise.
• We will What’s App cancellations for each programme date as soon as we know. However, on occasion it may be necessary to check attendance in advance due to changes to leader availability.
• So, be prepared for cancellations at short notice – we sail on the open sea and depend on the weather and sea state. Sometimes we can only make a proceed/cancel call at the last minute.
• The water programme is open to all Scouts, Ventures & Rovers (please refer to the Covid protocol for exact details)
• There will not be water programme activities in Dalkey while we are away on August camp (15 to 20th) – To Be Confirmed
Programme Activities
• The water programme includes rowing, sailing, & kayaking and scouts are expected to partake in all activities as scheduled by the leader team.
• Scouts are encouraged to progress through the kayaking levels and sailing/rowing charge certification.
• Unless advised, scouts should bring kit for both kayaking and sailing/rowing to each session.
• All scouts must have a personal flotation device (PFD) (i.e. a life jacket).
• Scouts/Ventures under 18 years of age must have a device where buoyancy is permanent (i.e. foam). refer to IWS.ie/boating/personal-flotation-devices
• For sailing/rowing, a PFD of at least 100N is required.
• For kayaking, a 50N buoyancy aid is sufficient, however there is no need to buy two separate PFD’s as the 100N lifejacket can cover both activities.
• You can buy a life jacket at Viking Marine or any chandlers. Make sure that you get a device appropriate to your size and weight. Also ensure that it has a crotch strap fitted.
• For kayaking; wetsuits are optional, but if you don’t have one, wear shorts and a warm top. A CAG or light rain jacket to work as a windcheater is a must and wetsuit booties or old trainers are also required.
• For Sailing/Rowing, scouts need a waterproof coat and trousers. Scouts should dress warmly, it’s can be colder on the water and a good sweater and hat are important.
If you have any further queries, regarding any aspect of the above letter, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Stay Safe.
Yours in scouting,
Ali (085) 158 3733 Simon (087) 751 0763
Padraig (087) 240 5954 Alexis (086) 609 2099