Web Policy Document

This is the website policy document of 41st Dublin (St. Patrick’s, Dalkey) Sea Scouts c/o Northover Hall, Harbour Road, Dalkey, Co Dublin. Our web address is www.dalkeyseascouts.ie.

Website Administrator: Each year the Group Council will appoint a Website Administrator. He/she will be responsible for the site content and uploading of items. The Website Administrators decision is final and absolutely discretionary. Catriona Kelly (webmaster@dalkeyseascouts.ie) currently holds this position. Should you have any suggestions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact her.

Generally: The website will be regularly checked by the Website Administrator to ensure that there is no content that compromises the safety of our members. There will be no personal information of either leaders or members including home address and contact details on the web pages.

Photographs: The Group Council anticipates using digital photographs of special group activities or events. The content of photos will focus on the activity or the piece of work in question.

The Website Administrator has absolute permission to publish all photos at her/his absolute discretion. If a parent wishes to avail of an opt-out clause in this regard, an Opt Out form must be signed and returned to the Website Administrator.

Any changes to this policy will be published on the website for your reference.

For information on Internet safety please click here Internet Safety


Dated: March 1st 2017