- Uniform & Neckerchief.
- Rucksack ( Please ensure your cub can carry their kit on their back)
- Sufficient clothes for 2/3 days – Extra socks are especially important. Remember it can get chilly in the evenings so make sure to have plenty of warm clothes.
- Sleeping bag, ground roll and bivouac bag (bivvy) – wrap the first two in a big black refuse bag to keep them dry. No airbeds please – they take too much space. N.B. The ground roll isn’t a comfort luxury – it insulates from the cold ground at night and is essential. The bivvy bag acts as a barrier from dew that can form underneath at night while sleeping. Cheap and available in Trespass, Dun Laoghaire Shopping Centre / 53 Degrees North / Great Outdoors, etc.
- Waterproof footwear is essential – Hiking boots or wellingtons are preferred as they keep both feet and clothes dry in mud and wet grass. Runners alone aren’t adequate if it’s wet. Bringing spare footwear is advisable unless the weather forecast is very good.
- Waterproof coat with hood or hat, leggings
- Towel & toiletries – Soap, Toothbrush and paste, hairbrush
- Torch (with fresh batteries) You can get small LED torches which give great light and last a long time for less than a fiver in Heatons or TK Maxx. These take watch batteries, cards of which can be bought for €1.49 in Dealz!!
- Bowl, Plate & Mug (Enamel or Plastic)
- Knife, Fork & Spoon.
- Water bottle.
- Two tea towels per scout. Old ones preferably- probably a one way trip.
- Suncream. Test on your child first to ensure they are not allergic to it
- Pyjamas – as warm as they have. If you have some thermal from a ski trip or can borrow some – all the better. Scouts should not sleep in their day clothes.
- Medication – e.g. asthma inhalers. YOU MUST advise leaders of any medication being brought.
- Camp Chair
- Outfit for fancy dress party – preferably home made, ‘Alice in Wonderland/ Mad Hatters on the Hill’ theme!
Cubs, mark all your kit clearly with their name and troop
Cubs, you must to be able to walk while carrying ALL of their gear with both hands free.
Flints, Pen Knives or pocket knives are not permitted for Cubs under any circumstances.
Cubs, Remember to pack clothes in clear plastic bags, one set per day per bag, inside your rucksack so that wet clothes can be put away and won’t ruin the rest of your gear. Use a big marker to label the bags. Don’t forget they may be rummaging for gear in the dark and while tired or wet.
Parents, do not pack for your Cub – it really helps on camp when they know what they have and where it’s packed.
NB: Please do not underestimate the weather! We had two tough camps last year , weatherwise, so hopefully it will be a case of third time lucky this year and we will need sunblock. Either way, Cubs please be prepared!