3rd Port Dalkey – June 2020
As we look forward to restarting scout activities, we are also conscious of the public health guidelines and our role in minimising risk to Scouts, Scouters, their families and our community.
As the health and safety of everyone involved is of upmost importance, 3rd Port Dalkey has put together the following Protocol, on how Scouting activities can re-start.
This Protocol is drafted in line with the Phase 3 recommendations of Ireland’s roadmap for reopening society and business which permits resumption of close contact sports, indoor gatherings of up to 50 people and outdoor gatherings of up to 200 people.
- For the immediate future – all activities will be outdoor only. Specifically, we intend to recommence our Summer Water Programme at Bulloch.
- To ensure greater segregation and physical separation, the Boating schedule will involve limited numbers as below: (We have agreed a system with the Scouts following their input on how limited spaces can be rationed/rota-ed)

- Scouts or Scouters should not attend if they ……
- •Have symptoms associated with Covid-19 (fever, cough, shortness of breath or breathing difficulties);
• Have been in close contact of a confirmed case;
• Have been advised to self-isolate or quarantine;
• Have been abroad within the past 14 days.
• Are considered to be high-risk group, or those caring for somebody in a vulnerable category. - Adults dropping off Scouts should not get out of their vehicle and leave promptly. If you need to talk to a Scouter, then maintain a social distance or better still, use the phone.
- Activities will be organised by group. During the session, scouts will not mix with others outside that group.
- Scouts must maintain good hygiene standards and to bring hand sanitiser.
Please ensure that Scouts wash their hands before and after each session. - Equipment – As much as possible equipment is not to be handled by more than one person in any session.
- Equipment will be washed down after each session.
While gloves and masks are not mandatory, Scouts may wear them if they wish.
Please get your Scouts to all go through the online Covid 19 module below before the next Scout activities https://learning.youth.ie/courses/covid-19-induction-session-for-youth-sector/
In such a short space of time, Covid-19 has drastically affected how we live but, in what are undoubtedly challenging times for all of us, we hope that the introduction of the above procedures will help make our Summer Sailing Covid-19 safe for you, your Scout and our Leaders. Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.